Saturday, July 18, 2009

Grow a Postcard

This last week has found me intrigued by screen printing. Particularly the idea of what I'm printing on, which is seeded paper. I have been producing postcards out of seed paper, which is a handmade paper (made in Boulder, CO) impregnated with wildflower seeds. I have come up with two different wildflower images, which I have been printing on the front of these postcards. Because they are intened for burying in the earth, I made the printing ink with organic whole wheat flour, water, salt and natural red earth pigment. On the back I use a pencil to apply the basic postcard markings, and have gently attached a tiny note with brief instruction.

Now when you buy a postcard, you can write a little note to your friend, and mail it to them. They get it, bury it, water it, and it grows flowers! What a beautiful idea! So these postcards I am selling in bundles of four, tied in a little bow with some raffia.

Price of the pack is $12
Please add $1 if you would like a pack or two shipped to you.

(scroll down a little to see the other screen printed designs.)

They will be for sale at the August 29th show at Miki Harder's house, and will be available online from me also. Enjoy!

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